“I’ve been a regular yoga practitioner for the past 6-7 years and have been perfectly satisfied and happy with my current guru and group classes. I didn’t realize I needed another perspective and esp 1:1 lessons when I decided to give Yoga by Deven a shot to check it out. I am so glad that I did. Deven’s promise to me was simple – “Try the 1:1 sessions out for a couple of months and continue your yoga classes and practice with these few customized tweaks and notice the difference” – Am glad I did. This was one of those “You wont know when you don’t know” experiences. He has a great/scientific grasp of the ancient science of Yoga – Asans as well as just making yoga part of your life & philosophy and not just the 1-1.5 hour session you do on the mat. This was evident right from the initial setup to his detailed after session reviews ; Among the things I never thought I was missing was how he’s made me realize the importance of being able to visualize my practice using mirrors/recordings to use these as tools/props to aid and enhance my practice. I’ve also been impressed and benefited from his attention to detail and the fact that he truly does care about bringing this knowledge to his clients. It’s also refreshing to find that he has no qualms about freely sharing or agenda around monetizing every single advice or offering he has – including diet/breathing and general attitude in life. The only ask he has is that you be willing to listen, respect and try out his suggestions sincerely and give it a chance. And trust me, you will not regret it. It’s also great to see that he practices what he preaches, and is always open for feedback and advocates and adopts a great learn-it-all attitude. I really saw a marked difference in my attitude towards yoga – from being a class that i go to every week, to it being part of my daily lifestyle and being more mindful of the current form, and the future possibilities – from basics like sitting, standing, to involved flow and asans from my regular flow practice. These sessions have supplemented my usual flow practice with my regular guru and has just provided me with a richer perspective and learning that I never realized I could get or was missing earlier. Try it and give it a shot- You won’t know what you don’t know until you do :)”

Happy Customer

I have been taking online 1-on-1 yoga lessons from Deven for the past 1 year, twice a week. 

It’s one of those life changing decisions that I am glad I took it. Deven is a wonderful yoga teacher. He is very knowledgeable, detail oriented, and has flexible hours. The sessions are tailored based on my flexibility and goals. I can see a huge progress in my flexibility and posture. I have come a long way. I am able to do advanced poses compared to when I started as a beginner. Deven’s emphasis on fundamentals and use of props during the sessions has allowed me to understand my body a lot better. It has enabled me to be aware, engage the right muscles, make the necessary changes in getting into correct postures and ease tension in the body. He keeps track of the progress, shares it with me and motivates me to keep going,….. and be ready with good excuses if you are slacking :).

– Manish Bhatia

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